Study Abroad

The Foundation Board is supportive of a scholarship recipient’s interest in studying abroad and has adopted a Study Abroad Policy that is sent to all current scholars upon matriculation to college. The major elements of that Policy are:

  1. At present, we will only consider requests to study abroad for one semester;
  2. Study abroad is limited to scholars who are not on probation;
  3. Students must take a full course load, as defined by their home institution, so as not to impair their ability to graduate within 4 years;
  4. All courses taken abroad must be pre-approved for credit by the home institution;
  5. Study abroad does not waive in any way the scholar’s duty to meet all requirements of their Scholarship, including, without limitation, (a) the requirement that a scholar’s Scholarship is for the shorter of (i) 4 years or (ii) the receipt of a bachelor’s degree and (b) the academic performance requirements that the scholar must meet to have his/her Scholarship renewed (grades earned during study abroad are considered for this purpose): and
  6. The student’s home institution must take responsibility for seeing that the funds advanced by the Foundation are paid to the study abroad program and/or the student, as the case may be.  In other words, for purposes of payment, the Foundation will only have a financial relationship with the home institution and will not establish a direct financial relationship with the study abroad program.

As a practical matter, the likelihood that the Foundation will approve the scholar’s study abroad request and that the scholar will have a rewarding study abroad experience will be enhanced if the scholar begins planning for study abroad well in advance of the semester in which the scholar hopes to study abroad.

Current scholars with questions about our study abroad policy may contact the Foundation Board by emailing David Vandermeulen at